New to Covenant
No matter where you are along your faith journey, even if you’re just beginning, you are welcome here at Covenant. From the time you enter the door we hope you feel welcome and comfortable. Don’t worry about how to dress. Most people dress in whatever is comfortable, from jeans to business casual. But if dressing up is more your style, that’s great, too.

What about Worship?
Our service usually lasts about an hour. They begin at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. We use a mix of traditional and modern music in our services. We, at times, remember the ancient past with liturgy, creeds, and traditional hymns; at other times, we sing some of the most popular modern worship music. The preaching or teaching time usually takes a close look at a passage of scripture and then reflects on the meaning of our lives. We seek to provide meaningful worship for everyone across the generations.

What about our kids?
We love having kids in our services. Don’t worry about them disrupting us. Many families choose to worship together at Covenant. If you would like childcare we have a nursery for younger kids. Ask anyone and they will show you the way. Many kids stay in the service until the sermon and then go out for a special lesson for kids (we call it Children's Church).

We want to meet you!
If one of our pastors or staff doesn’t greet you we hope you will introduce yourself to our pastor on the way out the door. Also, every couple of months we have a meal for our new attendees and would love to have you join us so we can get to know you better and let you know more about Covenant.
Finally, there is a lot more to Covenant than just Sunday morning worship. We hope you will get involved in other aspects of the church.